Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Established Domains

One of the three types of domain names is Established Domains. Established Domains are domains that have PageRank, Backlinks, and/or Age. These domains have some of the work already done for you. Instead of registering a domain and waiting a few years for it to get old, you just buy a domain that is already old. Instead of registering a domain and building backlinks, you can buy a domain that already has backlinks.

Because some of the work is done for you, these domain are valuable. Aged domains are also valuable because search engines consider older domains more trustworthy. This means these domains will have better rankings in search engines. PageRank (PR) domains are valuable because most of the time they have backlinks, but also because you can sell links on these sites for monthly income. Backlinks are valuable because they can bring traffic, and relevant backlinks can increase your rankings in search engines. The older the domain, the more valuable, the higher the PR, the more valuable, and the more relevant backlinks, the more valuable. Combine the three, an old domain with a lot of backlinks and a high PageRank, and you have one valuable domain.

Friday, December 19, 2008

How to Build a Website

What can you do? Learn how to build your own websites for free. It's not brain surgery! Everyone can do it with the right information. All you need in order to start is the Windows Notepad, some basic HTML knowledge and your imagination. But why do you have to learn how to build your websites alone? Well, let's say you want to try your luck with affiliate programs. In order to be a successful affiliate you need to have a website (or at least a web folder with a different template) for every product you want to promote. If you want to promote 10 products you have to buy 10 different websites or 10 different templates and pay 100-150 dollars each. But if you learn to do it yourself you only need 100 dollars for a web hosting account where you'll be able to host as many websites as you like for 2 years. Also imagine that you need a new website or some changes to an existing one immediately and it's 3 am.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

For Sale Website Domains

The price can be dependent upon many factors such as services that you choose and the popularity of the name. For example, a domain name that is very close to a popular website's name will fetch a higher price, as the owner may expect a certain amount of traffic to be sent their way from people who are actually searching for the other site. If you conduct an Internet search for website domain sales, you will find literally thousands of companies. Not all of them are Accredited Registrars.

Many are resellers who are affiliated with an AR. Some Web-hosting companies offer free domain names with their services, but of course there is a catch. Most free web addresses are very long and confusing. For example, if your business is called Fred's Fine Cars, your website will not be fredsfinecars.com (a domain name that you may choose to purchase) but something like 'fredsfinecars.happygowebhosting.com'. This can be a serious problem for your business, as it is neither memorable nor likely to be typed in without a search.

This type of domain name is called a SLD (second-level domain), as the domain extension is from a second party's domain. Another thing that you may notice is that many sub-domains do not contain the familiar www. before the address. This is because the company has not registered an actual domain name for you-rather they've added an extra entry with your name to their own domain name service (DNS).

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Characteristic of Good Bloggers

In writing blogs you need to be able to write in a way that express that you are the central voice of the site. A self starter, is another important characteristic for blog writers. Simply meaning that starting a blog takes initiate. The more motivated you are the better you will be at blogging for income. This brings me to another important factor, discipline.

Discipline in writing is an essential requirement. Blogs require regular attention and the best blog writer is also a step ahead to ensure the best quality. Bloggers are usually the center of the public’s attention for any site. Writing blogs requires that you are not offended and can handle any form of criticism; negative or positive. Once you write something online it is extremely difficult to have it removed.

Your writings represent you and who you are and people will analyze the words, your character, your lifestyle, as well as your intentions. You must be able to let things roll off your back! Blogging requires time and dedication. If you don’t have either you certainly will fail as a bloggers. Make a schedule and adhere to it. Blogging is a simple way to make income online; however, you must be prepared for any and all consequences.