One of the three types of domain names is Established Domains. Established Domains are domains that have PageRank, Backlinks, and/or Age. These domains have some of the work already done for you. Instead of registering a domain and waiting a few years for it to get old, you just buy a domain that is already old. Instead of registering a domain and building backlinks, you can buy a domain that already has backlinks.
Because some of the work is done for you, these domain are valuable. Aged domains are also valuable because search engines consider older domains more trustworthy. This means these domains will have better rankings in search engines. PageRank (PR) domains are valuable because most of the time they have backlinks, but also because you can sell links on these sites for monthly income. Backlinks are valuable because they can bring traffic, and relevant backlinks can increase your rankings in search engines. The older the domain, the more valuable, the higher the PR, the more valuable, and the more relevant backlinks, the more valuable. Combine the three, an old domain with a lot of backlinks and a high PageRank, and you have one valuable domain.
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